Friday, February 11, 2011

These Things I Believe

Originally posted September 13, 2009
I believe health care and housing are fundamental rights of all Americans.
I believe in big government-I believe in this because of the Civil Rights Act, voting legislation that gives ALL Americans the right to vote, the end to slavery, unemployment, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid and Welfare, police and fire protection, the military, national parks, EPA and other environmental legislation, ERA, Americans with Disabilities Act, public education, etc. Why is it o.k. for the government to support these and not health care?
I believe in unions and their ability to right wrongs.
I believe that all concepts are not perfect, and while intentions at inception are the right, true and just thing, that abuses do take place; this, however, I do not believe is reason enough to disband them.
I believe that in a capitalist society, our motives must be more than profit. I believe fairness and "doing the right thing" has to come into play.
I believe in freedom of speech and the right to dissent.
I believe we craft our stories so the media will present them in the best light. I believe this is wrong. Tell your story the way you want.
I believe that Americans should have the option of seeing the graphic violence happening in the war.
I do not believe the media needs to ask the permission of families to tell the stories or show the photos of their sons and daughters slain in the war.
I believe the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are a tragedy-for Iraqi's, Afghani's and Americans.
I resent George Bush, Dick Cheney and their administration and what they did to lower the view of America in the world community.
I don't believe that help/assistance is a hand out, but rather a hand up.
I believe a rising tide lifts ALL boats.
I believe God has no role in politics.
I believe Federal dollars should be used to help lower-income women fund abortion.
I believe in the right of a woman to choose what is best for her.
I believe that the more someone makes, the more taxes they should pay.
I believe the parents who kept their children from seeing President Obama's speech last week during school are insane. I think they are afraid. I think it is sad.
I think despite the fact the country elected a black president, we are a racist nation. I think we are seeing some of that at play right now. I think there are some Americans that can not stand we have a black president. I believe this to be sinful.
I believe as a nation we are apathetic.
I believe as Americans we have the attention span of a nat.
I believe as a society we are woefully short sighted. I believe this is dangerous.
I believe Michael Schiavo had the right to make the decision about his wife Mary Jo.
I believe in our right to die.
I do not believe in the existence of death squads.
I believe that time does heal all wounds.
I believe that love doesn't make everything all right, I think respect and empathy would go much farther.
I believe we have to forgive ourselves.
I believe the body has incredible powers to heal.
These, and many other things, I believe to be true.

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