Friday, February 11, 2011

Teddy Kennedy’s Funeral

Originally posted August 29, 2009
I found the memorial service to be very moving. I cried a great deal, less because of my personal feelings for Ted Kennedy, but more for his family and friends left behind with what sounds like will be a huge emptiness in their lives. Most of us have experienced the tragedy of loosing someone we love and it is gut wrenching-and so I was sad for the people he left behind and what they must be feeling.

There was no way to not have politics enter into the conversation at a ceremony for someone like Ted Kennedy, but I felt it was handled very well-with humor and affection. I was so glad that President Obama did NOT take advantage of the situation to make a stump speech for health care. That being said, if Ted Kennedy's death can do anything to move nationalized health care for all Americans forward in this country, it would be wonderful.

I was also struck by the acute irony of the location of the church. On the outside-a working class neighborhood; on the inside-the country's political elite and some of the nation's wealthiest individuals. I was glad to hear the priest make reference to that fact.

I know Ted Kennedy was a polarizing individual, and yes, he had failings as a human (some severe), but who among us has not? It would seem his contributions to this country have been many, for many. I am learning more about his political legacy than I ever knew. I hope there are others out there with the same aspirations for change.

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